Upington Northern Cape South Africa 

A forever family for a child in need.
Foster care home
The children admitted here range from 3 years to 18 years. Their parents are mostly deceased. The children are cared for by foster parents and they can stay in the foster care home until they’re 18 years old or 21 in case of completing tertiary studies. Thereafter they are introduced into the work force.
Baby Home
Our baby home is a halfway home to assist in the following cases:
- Babies in need of care
- Abandoned babies
- Orphaned babies

Jogébed Child and Youth Care Centre
We care for neglected and abandoned children, special needs and aids orphans. Upington, Northern Cape, South Africa
To contact the project if you want to make a contribution or donation, or if you want to volunteer, please find the appropriate person to contact when you visit our Facebook page: Jogebed Care Centre Upington